Professional Cookery - Diploma (Level 2)

Duration: 1 Year, Full Time

What will I study?

Core units covering:

• Unit 201 Investigate the catering and hospitality industry

• Unit 202 Food safety in catering

• Unit 203 Health and safety in catering and hospitality

• Unit 204 Healthier foods and special diets

• Unit 205 Kitchen operations, costs and menu planning

• Unit 206 Applying workplace skills

• Unit 207 Prepare and cook stocks, soups and sauces

• Unit 208 Prepare and cook fruit and vegetables

• Unit 209 Prepare and cook meat and offal

• Unit 210 Prepare and cook poultry

• Unit 211 Prepare and cook fish and shellfish

• Unit 212 Prepare and cook rice, pasta, grains and egg dishes

• Unit 213 Prepare and cook desserts and puddings

• Unit 214 Prepare and cook bakery products

Additionality is provided with the NVQ Level 2 Food and Drink Service.

• Give customers a positive impression of yourself and your organisation

• Prepare and clear areas for table service

• Serve food at the table

• Prepare and clear the bar area

• Serve alcoholic and soft drinks

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Requirements (Teilnahmebedingungen)

• Minimum Age 16

• Real- or Gesamtschul-Certificate with satisfactory passes
  (Notendurchschnitt: befriedigend, Mathematik: befriedigend oder besser) 

• Bewerbungsgespräch bei remmersCONSULT

Professional Cookery - NVQ (Level 3)

Duration: 1 Year, Full Time

What will I study?

Students will have the opportunity to study

• Professional Cookery NVQ Level 3

• ABC Level 2 Certificate for Pastry Cooks and Patissiers (please see course leaflet on

• College website for all unit details).

Klicken Sie hier, um das englische Kursprogramm zu sehen.

Requirements (Teilnahmebedingungen)

• Minimum Age 16

  1. •Real- or Gesamtschul-Certificate with satisfactory passes
    (Notendurchschnitt: befriedigend, Mathematik: befriedigend oder besser)

  2. • Abitur-Certificate

• Bewerbungsgespräch bei remmersCONSULT