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Diploma in Foundation Studies Art and Design

Dieser wichtige Kurs bereitet Gymnasiasten optimal vor auf Universitäts- bzw. Hochschul-Studiengänge in Art and Design. Ziel ist die Erstellung bzw. Vervollkommnung einer Arbeitsmappe für Bewerbungen.

Duration: 1 Year Full-Time


Minimum Age 18

Abitur-Certificate, Leistungskurs Kunst: sehr gut,

a portfolio of recent art work

Course Details:

The course enables students to gain  a broad ‘foundation’ of knowledge in the initial ‘diagnostic’ exploratory  stage and then allows students to investigate their chosen pathway in  much greater detail. The course is geared towards the preparation of  a portfolio of work that is used to support applications to advanced courses in Higher Education or in gaining employment.

The pathway and confirmatory stages of the course  allow students to explore broad concepts and assignments within the  chosen specialist pathways listed below. An increasing level of independence  and maturity of approach is encouraged and expected at this stage of  the course. Throughout the course, practical work is supported by a programme  of studies in the history of art and design.

Pathway Opportunities Available

3D (Art, Craft and Design), Fashion and Textiles, Photography, Fine  Art, Film and Video,Visual Communication (Graphic Design, Illustration  and Animation).

Further Details: Please contact remmersCONSULT

Diploma in Foundation Studies Art and Design - Media

Dieser wichtige Kurs bereitet Gymnasiasten optimal vor auf Universitäts- bzw. Hochschul-Studiengänge in Art and Design, Schwerpunkt: Medien. Ziel ist die Erstellung bzw. Vervollkommnung einer Arbeitsmappe für


Duration: 1 Year Full-Time


Minimum Age 18

Abitur-Certificate, Leistungskurs Kunst: sehr gut

Course Details:

The  course enables students to gain a broad ‘foundation’ of knowledge  in the initial ‘diagnostic’ exploratory stage focused on lens based and digital graphic practice. This first stage of the programme  has a more specific focus and emphasis than the more general Foundation  Diploma.

The programme is designed to increase students’ visual understanding  through a range of 2D projects using a variety of media such as photography,  video, animation, and visual studies/drawing. The course is geared towards  the preparation of a portfolio of work that is used to support applications  to advanced courses in Higher Education or in gaining employment.

The  pathway and confirmatory stages of the course allow students to explore  broad concepts and assignments within a chosen specialist pathway. An  increasing level of independence and maturity of approach is encouraged  and expected at this stage of the course. Throughout the course, practical  work is supported by a programme of studies in the history of art and  design and media.

Pathway Opportunities Available

Photography, Illustration and Animation, Film and Video. (Students may  also select from the Art & Design programme pathways.)

Further Details: Please contact remmersCONSULT

BTEC/Edexcel National Diploma in Art and Design

Dieser populäre Kurs vermittelt die wesentlichen praktischen Fertigkeiten und Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Kunst, Gestaltung und Medien. Er umfasst ein breites Spektrum an künstlerischen Disziplinen wie fine art, painting and drawing, sculpture, fashion, textiles, graphic design, 3D design , video and photography.

Duration: 2 Years Full-Time


Minimum Age 16

Real- or Gesamtschul-Certificate with satisfactory passes

(Notendurchschnitt: befiedigend, Kunst: sehr gut)

a portfolio of recent art work

Course Details:

Following a first year of exploratory studies introducing you to creative work across the spectrum of arts, design and media subjects you then have the opportunity to define your preferred interests more closely through project work in Term 4.

Towards the end of Term 4 you choose your personal area of development within the Pathways of Fashion/Textiles, Fine Art, Film and Animation, Photography, 3D and Visual Communication.

During the Pathway Terms 5 and 6 you study alongside the students enrolled on the FoundationDiploma award. The course culminates in a Final Major Project in which you demonstrate the skills and knowledge

that you have attained throughout the course.

Further Details: Please contact remmersCONSULT



Foundation Degree Commercial Photography

Foundation Degree Interactive Media

Foundation Degree Fashion

Foundation Degree Interior Architecture and Design

Foundation Degree Textiles (subject to validation)

Foundation Degree Visual Communication


BA  (Hons) Arts  and Event Management

BA  (Hons) Fine  Art

BA  (Hons) Illustration

BA  (Hons) Graphic  Design

BA  (Hons) Graphic Design (Interactive Media) (Progression from Foundation  Degree)

BA  (Hons) Animation  Production

BA  (Hons) Film  Production

BA  (Hons) Photography

BA  (Hons) Commercial Photography (Progression from Foundation Degree)

BA  (Hons) Acting for Theatre, Film and Television

BA  (Hons) Fashion  Studies

BA  (Hons) Costume  for Screen and Stage

BA  (Hons) Architecture (subject to validation)

BA  (Hons) Modelmaking  for Design and Media

BA  (Hons) Three Dimensional  Design

Click  here for Programme Specifications

Further Details: Please contact remmersCONSULT